Thank You Storyteller

And, done.

Most excellent good. We now have all of the required information to make sure you storytelling workshop is as productive and valuable as possible.

To make sure we’ve got all of the relevant information and allow us to sort you into your appropriate Hogwarts House, fill out the form below

You’re going to learn everything you need to know to for a radical understanding of how to develop and tell powerful stories, including:

    • a sociohistorical overview of the role of stories in culture (focusing on the works of Joseph Campbell and Vladimir Propp)
    • insight into how we psychologically interact with, learn from, and are affected by stories (featuring aspects of the works of Carl Jung, specifically with regard to archetypes)
    • structure (focusing on my 5-step model for powerful stories)
    • pacing (how much time to spend in each stage, depending on a variety of factors)
    • customization and self-editing (which pieces to include or remove, depending on the audience)
    • a step-by-step breakdown of how to apply to your specific stories and your business

You’ll learn how to tell your stories and use them to increase your business.

More details about the workshop will be announced soon, including the exact location and venue. In the meantime, here are some dope free articles to learn about all things wordcraft:

If you have any questions about the workshop please feel free to slide into my Insta DM’s.

See you soon,
